Lectures 1 and 2
Lectures » Lectures 1 and 2
Material for Lectures 1 (mainly) and 2:
- Copy of the slides (in PDF).
- Movie of the speckle pattern created by shining a laser beam through (dilute) milk, recorded by a smartphone.
- Simulation of the quantum evolution of a wavepacket launched in a 2D disordered potential. Short time: particles fall from the potential hills down to the valleys. No obvious interference effect, mainly ballistic propagation.
- Simulation of the quantum evolution of a wavepacket launched in a 2D disordered potential. At intermediate time (beyond the mean scattering time), the dynamics involve multiple scattering, interferences between wavelets and a global diffusive behavior.
- lecture1.pdf, PDF of the first lecture
- record_milk_speckle.mp4, Record of the speckle through milk
- wp_short_time.mp4, Quantum propagation of a wavepacket in a disordered medium: short time ballistic behavior
- wb_diffusive.mp4, Quantum propagation of a wavepacket in a disordered medium: diffusive behavior