There are three zip file with the details of the family (note that when fam is g1 we assume all states with more than two ocuuoancy in any single site) and the presence or absence of $T$. The zip files with states contain the on-site magnetization ($s^i_z$) of the initial Fock states arranged in rows. For a typical observable we have the particular form $\langle \psi(t) \vert \hat{O}\vert \psi(t)\rangle$ for a particular initial state ($\vert \psi(0)\rangle $) of the form $\vert \psi(t) \rangle = \sum_i c_i \vert \epsilon_i \rangle e^{\epsilon_it}$, where $\vert \epsilon_i \rangle $ are the eigenvectors. The diagonal part of the operator growth does not change with time and is given written in row form in the diag zip file. While the non-diag part changes with time and thus the first column gives the time while the rest of the columns are the non-diag part of states written as matrices that changes with time (due to extraction of data you suld use twice the value that is in the non-diag zip files).
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