The directory "Exactdiag" contains 3 subdirectories, namely: 1] random_XXZ_L18, 2] QP_L16 and 3] BH_L8. Datas stored in them are extracted from random XXZ, quasi-periodic spin chain and Bose-hubbard models respectively. Each of the first two contains two subdirectories as "Eig" and "Gap_ratio_histograms" which contain the eigenvalues and the histograms of gap ratios of the corresponding spin chain. The "BH_L8" have sole subdirectory called "Gap_ratio_histograms". In all the cases datas were extracted by computing eigen values from 2000 disorder realizations and gap ratios are calculated from 500 eigen values taken from the middle of the spectrum.
[Parent Directory]BH_L8 | DIR | Gap ratio histograms for BH model |
QP_L16 | DIR | eigenvalues and gap ratio statistics in .tgz collections. Description*.txt file gives details |
random_XXZ_L18 | DIR | Data for random Heisenberg L=18 chain |