Two directories include exact eigenvalues of different systems used as well as samples from Pechukas-Yukawa distribution interpolating in GOE-Poisson ensemble.
The abstract describes the work:
The level statistics in the transition between delocalized and localized {phases of} many body interacting systems is {considered}. We recall the joint probability distribution for eigenvalues resulting from the statistical mechanics for energy level dynamics as introduced by Pechukas and Yukawa. The resulting single parameter analytic distribution is probed numerically {via Monte Carlo method}. The resulting higher order spacing ratios are compared with data coming from different {quantum many body systems}. It is found that this Pechukas-Yukawa distribution compares favorably with {β--Gaussian ensemble -- a single parameter model of level statistics proposed recently in the context of disordered many-body systems.} {Moreover, the Pechukas-Yukawa distribution is also} only slightly inferior to the two-parameter β-h ansatz shown {earlier} to reproduce {level statistics of} physical systems remarkably well.
[Parent Directory]Exactdiag | DIR | Eigenvalues from exact diagonalization of different systems used in this work |
PechukasYukawa | DIR | Data for Pechucas - Yukawa distribution |