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07 XJózef Spałek (Jagiellonian University)
Emergence of distinguishability in quantum statistics of strongly correlated fermions
Gdzie: MS Teams [ZOA-test], 12:15
Seminarium Zakładowe
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20-22.02.2024 - Workshop on Quantum Simulators of the Future: From Dynamical Gauge Fields to Lattice Gauge Theories | (smr 3922)

An ICTP Meeting This Workshop will gather world-leading groups that design, realize, and characterize a new generation of simulators with ultracold atoms and beyond. It will address novel quantum simulators of statistical gauge fields, dynamical lattices, and lattice gauge theory models (LGT), as well as connections to quantum computing and tensor network methods.


06-08.09.2023 - Konferencja "Time Crystals"

More details na stronie konferencji.

27.06-2.07.2022 - 6th Workshop on Algebraic Designs, Hadamard Matrices & Quanta

Więcej szczegółów on conference website.

05-11.09.2021 - Quantum Optics X

Więcej szczegółów na stronie konferencji.

Open Data

Current: /2106.04709

Arxiv link

Standard optical potentials use off-resonant laser standing wave induced AC-Stark shift. In a recent development [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 117}, 233001 (2016)] a three-level scheme in Λ configuration coupled coherently by resonant laser fields was introduced leading to an effective lattice with subwavelength potential peaks. Here as an extension of that work to a four level atomic setup in the tripod configuration is used to create spin 1/2-like two-dimensional dark-space with 1D motion and the presence of external gauge fields. Most interestingly for a possible application, the lifetime for a dark subspace motion is up to two orders of magnitude larger than for a similar Λ system. The model is quite flexible leading to lattices with significant nearest, next-nearest, or next-next-nearest hopping rates, J1,J2,J3 opening up new intriguing possibilities to study, e.g. frustrated systems. The characteristic Wannier functions lead also to new type of inter-site interactions not realizable in typical optical lattices.

[Parent Directory]
BandsDIR Band structures for the Tripod system, in analogy to Fig. 3, panels a,b,c,d subsequently.
GaugePotentialsDIR Gauge potentials in Figs. 2 and 9.
HoppingsDIR Hoppings $J^\alpha$ as in Fig.6.
WannierFunctionsDIR Wannier functions in g1,g2,g3,e basis in position representation, $a=0.435$.