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16-17.07.2025 - Time Crystals Conference 2025

More details on conference website.

20-22.02.2024 - Workshop on Quantum Simulators of the Future: From Dynamical Gauge Fields to Lattice Gauge Theories | (smr 3922)

An ICTP Meeting This Workshop will gather world-leading groups that design, realize, and characterize a new generation of simulators with ultracold atoms and beyond. It will address novel quantum simulators of statistical gauge fields, dynamical lattices, and lattice gauge theory models (LGT), as well as connections to quantum computing and tensor network methods.


06-08.09.2023 - Konferencja "Time Crystals"

27.06-2.07.2022 - 6th Workshop on Algebraic Designs, Hadamard Matrices & Quanta

Więcej szczegółów on conference website.

05-11.09.2021 - Quantum Optics X

Więcej szczegółów na stronie konferencji.

Jacek Bieroń

Adiunkt z dr hab.
Group - J. Bieroń
Pokój: B-1-32
Telefon: 4781
www: [link]
ORCID: 0000-0002-0063-4631


[1] J. Walkowiak, J. Bielecki, J. Bieroń, A. Jardin, Y. Savoye-Peysson, D. Mazon, K. Król, D. Dworak, M. Scholz
Mean Excitation Energies of all ionization stages of all atoms with 1≤Z≤86
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 161,101696 (2025).

[2] K. Kromer, C. Lyu, J. Bieroń, M. Door, L. Enzmann, P. Filianin, G. Gaigalas, Z. Harman, J. Herkenhoff et al.
Atomic mass determination of uranium-238
Physical Review C 109,L021301 (2024).
[3] C. Song, S. Yan, M. Godefroid, J. Bieroń, P. Jönsson, G. Gaigalas, J. Ekman, X. Zhang, C. Chen et al.
Isotope shifts in electron affinities and in binding energies of Pb and hyperfine structure of 207Pb
The Journal of chemical physics 160, (2024).
[4] M. Ma, Y. Li, M. Godefroid, G. Gaigalas, J. Li, J. Bieroń, C. Chen, J. Wang, P. Jönsson
Natural Orbitals and Targeted Non-Orthogonal Orbital Sets for Atomic Hyperfine Structure Multiconfiguration Calculations †
Atoms 12,30 (2024).
[5] J. Walkowiak, J. Bielecki, J. Bieroń, A. Jardin, Y. Savoye-Peysson, D. Mazon, K. Król, D. Dworak, M. Scholz
Mean Excitation Energies of all ionization stages of all atoms with 1≤Z≤86
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables ,101696 (2024).

[6] P. Jönsson, M. Godefroid, G. Gaigalas, J. Ekman, J. Grumer, W. Li, J. Li , T. Brage, I. Grant et al.
An Introduction to Relativistic Theory as Implemented in GRASP
Atoms 11,7 (2023).
[7] Y. Li, P. Jönsson, M. Godefroid, G. Gaigalas, J. Bieroń, J. Marques, P. Indelicato, C. Chen
Independently Optimized Orbital Sets in GRASP—The Case of Hyperfine Structure in Li I
Atoms 11,4 (2023).
[8] P. Jönsson, G. Gaigalas, C. Fischer, J. Bieroń, I. Grant, T. Brage, J. Ekman, M. Godefroid, J. Grumer et al.
GRASP Manual for Users
Atoms 11,68 (2023).
[9] J. Bieroń, C. Fischer, P. Jönsson
Editorial of the Special Issue “General Relativistic Atomic Structure Program—GRASP”
Atoms 11,93 (2023).

[10] J. Bieroń, M. Krasny, W. Płaczek, S. Pustelny
Optical Excitation of Ultra-Relativistic Partially Stripped Ions
Annalen der Physik , (2022).
[11] S. Schiffmann, J. Li, J. Ekman, G. Gaigalas, M. Godefroid, P. Jönsson, J. Bieroń
Relativistic radial electron density functions and natural orbitals from GRASP2018
Computer Physics Communications 278,108403 (2022).
[12] J. Li, G. Gaigalas, J. Bieroń, J. Ekman, P. Jönsson, M. Godefroid, C. Froese Fischer
Re-Evaluation of the Nuclear Magnetic Octupole Moment of 209Bi
Atoms 10,132 (2022).

[13] A. Papoulia, S. Schiffmann, J. Bieroń, G. Gaigalas, M. Godefroid, Z. Harman, P. Jönsson, N. Oreshkina, P. Pyykkö, I. Tupitsyn
Ab initio electronic factors of the A and B hyperfine structure constants for the 5s25p6s P1o 1,3 states in Sn i
Physical Review A 103,022815 (2021).
[14] A. Barzakh, A. Andreyev, C. Raison, J. Cubiss, P. Van Duppen, S. Péru, S. Hilaire, S. Goriely, B. Andel et al.
Large Shape Staggering in Neutron-Deficient Bi Isotopes
Physical Review Letters 127,A44 (2021).

[15] D. Yordanov, L. Rodríguez, D. Balabanski, J. Bieroń, M. Bissell, K. Blaum, B. Cheal, J. Ekman, G. Gaigalas et al.
Structural trends in atomic nuclei from laser spectroscopy of tin
Communications Physics 3,107 (2020).
[16] W. Placzek, A. Abramov, S. Alden, R. Fernandez, P. Antsiferov, A. Apyan, H. Bartosik, E. Bessonov, N. Biancacci et al.
The gamma factory project at cern: A new generation of research tools made of light
Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement 13,645-652 (2020).

[17] L. Xie, X. Yang, C. Wraith, C. Babcock, J. Bieroń, J. Billowes, M. Bissell, K. Blaum, B. Cheal et al.
Nuclear charge radii of 62−80Zn and their dependence on cross-shell proton excitations
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 797,134805 (2019).
[18] A. Barzakh, J. Cubiss, A. Andreyev, M. Seliverstov, B. Andel, S. Antalic, P. Ascher, D. Atanasov, D. Beck et al.
Inverse odd-even staggering in nuclear charge radii and possible octupole collectivity in at 217,218,219 revealed by in-source laser spectroscopy
Physical Review C 99,054317 (2019).
[19] P. Syty, J. Sienkiewicz, L. RadŽiute, G. Gaigalas, P. Rynkun, J. Bieroń
Continuum wave functions for estimating the electric dipole moment: Calculation based on a multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock approximation
Physical Review A 99,012514 (2019).
[20] C. Froese Fischer, G. Gaigalas, P. Jönsson, J. Bieroń
GRASP2018—A Fortran 95 version of the General Relativistic Atomic Structure Package
Computer Physics Communications 237,184-187 (2019).
[21] J. Ekman, P. Jönsson, M. Godefroid, C. Nazé, G. Gaigalas, J. Bieroń
RIS 4: A program for relativistic isotope shift calculations
Computer Physics Communications 235,433-446 (2019).
[22] W. Płaczek, A. Abramov, S. Alden, R. Alemany Fernandez, P. Antsiferov, A. Apyan, H. Bartosik, E. Bessonov, N. Biancacci et al.
Gamma factory at CERN - Novel research tools made of light
Acta Physica Polonica B 50,1191-1203 (2019).
[23] Y. Dutheil, A. Abramov, S. Alden, R. Alemany Fernández, P. Antsiferov, A. Apyan, H. Bartosik, E. Bessonov, N. Biancacci et al.
Gamma factory for CERN initiative - Progress report
Proceedings of Science 364,020 (2019).

[24] J. Bieroń, L. Filippin, G. Gaigalas, M. Godefroid, P. Jönsson, P. Pyykkö
Ab initio calculations of the hyperfine structure of zinc and evaluation of the nuclear quadrupole moment Q(Zn 67)
Physical Review A 97,062505 (2018).
[25] J. Cubiss, A. Barzakh, M. Seliverstov, A. Andreyev, B. Andel, S. Antalic, P. Ascher, D. Atanasov, D. Beck et al.
Charge radii and electromagnetic moments of at 195-211
Physical Review C 97,054327 (2018).

[26] L. Filippin, J. Bieroń, G. Gaigalas, M. Godefroid, P. Jönsson
Multiconfiguration calculations of electronic isotope-shift factors in Zn i
Physical Review A 96,042502 (2017).
[27] C. Wraith, X. Yang, L. Xie, C. Babcock, J. Bieroń, J. Billowes, M. Bissell, K. Blaum, B. Cheal et al.
Evolution of nuclear structure in neutron-rich odd-Zn isotopes and isomers
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 771,385-391 (2017).

[28] L. Radžiute, G. Gaigalas, P. Jönsson, J. Bieroń
Electric dipole moments of superheavy elements: A case study on copernicium
Physical Review A 93,062508 (2016).

[29] N. Frömmgen, D. Balabanski, M. Bissell, J. Bieroń, K. Blaum, B. Cheal, K. Flanagan, S. Fritzsche, C. Geppert et al.
Collinear laser spectroscopy of atomic cadmium: Extraction of nuclear magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments
European Physical Journal D 69,164 (2015).
[30] J. Bieroń, C. Fischer, S. Fritzsche, G. Gaigalas, I. Grant, P. Indelicato, P. Jönsson, P. Pyykkö
Ab initio MCDHF calculations of electron-nucleus interactions
Physica Scripta 90,054011 (2015).

[31] L. Radžiūtė, G. Gaigalas, P. Jönsson, J. Bieroń
Multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations of atomic electric dipole moments of 225Ra, 199Hg, and 171Yb
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 90,012528 (2014).
[32] A. Alkauskas, J. Bieroń, G. Gaigalas
The α-dependence of transition frequencies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488,152003 (2014).

[33] D. Yordanov, D. Balabanski, J. Bieroń, M. Bissell, K. Blaum, I. Budincevic, S. Fritzsche, N. Frömmgen, G. Georgiev et al.
Spins, Electromagnetic Moments, and Isomers of 107-129 Cd
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110,192501 (2013).
[34] P. Jönsson, M. Godefroid, G. Gaigalas, J. Bieroń, T. Brage
Accurate transition probabilities from large-scale multiconfiguration calculations - A tribute to Charlotte Froese Fischer
AIP Conference Proceedings 1545,266-278 (2013).
[35] P. Jönsson, G. Gaigalas, J. Bieroń, C. Fischer, I. Grant
New version: Grasp2K relativistic atomic structure package
Computer Physics Communications 184,2197-2203 (2013).

[36] P. Indelicato, J. Bieroń, P. Jönsson
Are MCDF calculations 101% correct in the super-heavy elements range?
Theoretica Chimica Acta - Special Issue in Honour of Pekka Pyykkö 129,495-505 (2011).

[37] J. Bieroń, P. Jönsson
Relativistic configuration interaction calculations of energy levels, iso- tope shifts, hyperfine structures, and transition rates in the 2s 2 2p 2 — 2s2p 3 transition array for the carbon-like sequence
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43,074023 (2010).

[38] J. Bieroń, C. Froese Fischer, P. Indelicato, P. Jönsson, P. Pyykkö
Complete-active-space multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations of hyperfine-structure constants of the gold atom
Phys. Rev. A 79,052502 (2009).
[39] J. Bieroń, G. Gaigalas, E. Gaidamauskas, S. Fritzsche, P. Indelicato, P. Jönsson
Multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations of the electric dipole moment of radium induced by the nuclear Schiff moment
Phys. Rev. A 80,012513 (2009).

[40] J. Bieroń, C. Fischer, P. Jönsson, P. Pyykkö
Comment on the magnetic dipole hyperfine interaction in the gold atom ground state
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41,115002 (2008).

[41] J. Bieroń, P. Indelicato, P. Jönsson
Multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations of transition rates and lifetimes of the eight lowest excited levels of radium
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 144,75-84 (2007).

[42] J. Bieroń, P. Pyykkö
Degree of accuracy in determining the nuclear electric quadrupole moment of radium
Phys. Rev. A 71,032502 (2005).
[43] J. Bieroń, P. Pyykkö, P. Jönsson
Nuclear quadrupole moment of $^201Hg$
Phys. Rev. A 71,012502 (2005).
[44] J. Bieroń, P. Pyykkö, P. Jönsson
Nuclear quadrupole moment of 201Hg
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71,012502 (2005).

[45] J. Bieroń, C. Fischer, S. Fritzsche, K. Pachucki
Lifetime and hyperfine structure of the3D2 state of radium
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 37, (2004).

[46] J. Bieron, C. Fischer, M. Godefroid
Hyperfine-structure calculations of excited levels in neutral scandium
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 35,308 (2002).

[47] J. Bieroń, P. Pyykkö
Nuclear quadrupole moments of bismuth
Physical Review Letters 87,133003 (2001).
[48] J. Bieroń, P. Pyykkö, D. Sundholm, V. Kellö, A. Sadlej
Nuclear quadrupole moments of bromine and iodine from combined atomic and molecular data
Phys. Rev. A 64,052507 (2001).
[49] P. Indelicato, G. Rodrigues, E. Lindroth, M. Ourdane, F. Parente, J. Santos, P. Patté, J. Bieroń
Relativistic and many-body effects on total binding energies of cesium and other highly-charged ions
Physica Scripta T 92,327-329 (2001).
[50] P. Indelicato, E. Lindroth, T. Beier, J. Bieroń, A. Costa, I. Lindgren, J. Marques, A. MÅrtenson-Pendrill, M. Martins et al.
Relativistic Calculations for Trapped Ions
Hyperfine Interactions 132,347-361 (2001).

[51] J. Bieroń, W. Baylis
Calculation of the potential energy curves of the HgZn dimer
Molecular Physics 98,1051-1055 (2000).
[52] K. Paduch, J. Bieroń
Hyperfine-structure calculations in Xe II
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 33,303-311 (2000).

[53] J. Bieroń, P. Jönsson, C. Froese Fischer
Effects of electron correlation, relativity, and nuclear structure on hyperfine constants of [Formula Presented] and [Formula Presented]
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 60,3547-3557 (1999).
[54] J. Bieroń, C. Fischer, I. Grant
Large-scale multiconfigurational Dirac-Fock calculations of the hyperfine-structure constants and determination of the nuclear quadrupole moment of [Formula Presented]
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 59,4295-4299 (1999).

[55] J. Bieroń, I. Grant, C. Froese Fischer
Multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations of the hyperfine structure constants and determination of the nuclear quadrupole moment of yttrium 90
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 58,4401-4405 (1998).
[56] Y. Kim, J. Migdałek, W. Siegel, J. Bieroń
Electron-impact ionization cross section of rubidium
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 57,246-254 (1998).

[57] J. Bieroń, I. Grant, C. Fischer
Nuclear quadrupole moment of scandium
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 56,316-321 (1997).

[58] J. Bieroń, P. Jönsson, C. Froese Fischer
Large-scale multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations of the hyperfine-structure constants of the 2s[Formula Presented], 2p[Formula Presented], and 2p[Formula Presented] states of lithium
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 53,2181-2188 (1996).

[59] J. Bieroń, W. Baylis
Potential energy curves of HgCd and spectroscopic constants of group IIB metal dimers
Chemical Physics 197,129-137 (1995).
[60] P. Jönsson, C. Froese Fischer, J. Bieroń
Multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock calculations of low-lying excited 2S states in lithium
Physical Review A 52,4262-4265 (1995).
[61] J. Bieroń, F. Parpia, C. Fischer, P. Jönsson
Large-scale multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations of hyperfine interaction constants for nd2 levels of Sc+ and Y+
Physical Review A 51,4603-4610 (1995).

[62] J. Bieroń, C. Fischer, A. Ynnerman
Note on mcdf correlation calculations for high-z ions
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 27,4829-4834 (1994).
[63] R. Gebarowski, J. Migdalek, J. Bieron
Relativistic multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock study of 3s23p-3s23d transition in aluminium isoelectronic sequence
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 27,3315-3324 (1994).

[64] J. Bieron, J. Migdatek
Relativ is Tic Lifetimes of the Levels Belonging to the NP2(N + 1)s Configuration in As I, Sb I and Bi I Spectra
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 25,4099-4106 (1992).

[65] J. Bieroń, R. Marcinek, J. Migdałek
Relativistic oscillator strengths for the np 2 — np(n+1)s transitions
J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 31, (1991).

[66] J. Bieroń
Implementation of the Grant’s relativistic multiconfiguration Dirac– Fock program on microcomputers
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Transfer 40, (1988).
[67] J. Bieroń, J. Migdałek
A limited MCDF study of 4s 2 4p 2 configuration in germanium isoelec- tronic sequence
Acta Phys. Polon. A 74, (1988).

[68] J. Bieroń
SEL - A package to transform the angular momentum coefficients com- puted with MCP code of I P Grant to the form required by the MCDF
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Transfer 35, (1986).