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07 XJózef Spałek (Jagiellonian University)
Emergence of distinguishability in quantum statistics of strongly correlated fermions
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20-22.02.2024 - Workshop on Quantum Simulators of the Future: From Dynamical Gauge Fields to Lattice Gauge Theories | (smr 3922)

An ICTP Meeting This Workshop will gather world-leading groups that design, realize, and characterize a new generation of simulators with ultracold atoms and beyond. It will address novel quantum simulators of statistical gauge fields, dynamical lattices, and lattice gauge theory models (LGT), as well as connections to quantum computing and tensor network methods.


06-08.09.2023 - Konferencja "Time Crystals"

More details na stronie konferencji.

27.06-2.07.2022 - 6th Workshop on Algebraic Designs, Hadamard Matrices & Quanta

Więcej szczegółów on conference website.

05-11.09.2021 - Quantum Optics X

Więcej szczegółów na stronie konferencji.

Bogdan Damski

Adiunkt z dr hab.
Group - B. Damski
Pokój: B-1-40
Telefon: 4676
www: [link]
ORCID: 0000-0002-7165-9449


[1] B. Damski
Non-equilibrium dynamics of dipole-charged fields in the Proca theory
Nuclear Physics B 998,116398 (2024).
[2] B. Damski
Reference frame dependence of the periodically oscillating Coulomb field in the Proca theory
Nuclear Physics B 1006,116636 (2024).

[3] B. Damski
Electric field-based quantization of the gauge invariant Proca theory
Physical Review D 107,045016 (2023).
[4] B. Damski
Periodic charge oscillations in the Proca theory
Nuclear Physics B 994,116300 (2023).

[5] B. Damski
Impact of gauge fixing on angular momentum operators of the covariantly quantized electromagnetic field
Physical Review D 104,085003 (2021).
[6] M. Łącki, B. Damski
Evidence from on-site atom number fluctuations for a quantum Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model
Physical Review B 104,155113 (2021).

[7] M. Białończyk, B. Damski
Dynamics of longitudinal magnetization in transverse-field quantum Ising model: From symmetry-breaking gap to Kibble-Zurek mechanism
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2020,013108 (2020).
[8] B. Damski
Angular momentum of the electron: One-loop studies
Nuclear Physics B 955,115042 (2020).
[9] M. Białończyk, B. Damski
Locating quantum critical points with Kibble-Zurek quenches
Physical Review B 102,134302 (2020).

[10] O. Prośniak, M. Łącki, B. Damski
Critical points of the three-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model from on-site atom number fluctuations
Scientific Reports 9,8687 (2019).
[11] B. Damski
Electromagnetic angular momentum of the electron: One-loop studies
Nuclear Physics B 949,114828 (2019).

[12] M. Białończyk, B. Damski
One-half of the Kibble-Zurek quench followed by free evolution
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2018,073105 (2018).

[13] M. Łacki, B. Damski
Spatial Kibble-Zurek mechanism through susceptibilities: The inhomogeneous quantum Ising model case
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2017,103105 (2017).

[14] B. Damski
From the quantum Ising model to sums leading to hyperbolic functions
ArXiv e-prints, 1506.04759 (2015).
[15] B. Damski
The quantum Ising model: Finite sums and hyperbolic functions
Scientific Reports 5,15779 (2015).
[16] B. Damski
Fidelity approach to quantum phase transitions in quantum ising model
Quantum Criticality In Condensed Matter: Phenomena, Materials And Ideas In Theory And Experiment - 50th Karpacz Winter School Of Theoretical Physics ,159-182 (2015).

[17] M. Łącki, B. Damski, J. Zakrzewski
Numerical studies of ground-state fidelity of the Bose-Hubbard model
Phys. Rev. A 89,033625 (2014).
[18] B. Damski
Counterdiabatic driving of the quantum Ising model
J. Stat. Mech. 2014,P12019 (2014).
[19] B. Damski, M. Rams
Exact results for fidelity susceptibility of the quantum Ising model: The interplay between parity, system size, and magnetic field
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47,025303 (2014).

[20] B. Damski
Fidelity susceptibility of the quantum Ising model in a transverse field: The exact solution
Phys. Rev. E 87,052131 (2013).
[21] B. Damski, M. Rams
Exact results for fidelity susceptibility of the quantum Ising model: The interplay between parity, system size, and magnetic field
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47,025303 (2013).

[22] M. Rams, M. Zwolak, B. Damski
A quantum phase transition in a quantum external field: Superposing two magnetic phases
Scientific Reports 2,655 (2012).
[23] B. Damski, P. Marecki
On the quantum coulomb field
Acta Physica Polonica B 43,381-395 (2012).

[24] M. Rams, B. Damski
Scaling of ground-state fidelity in the thermodynamic limit: XY model and beyond
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84,032324 (2011).
[25] B. Damski, H. Quan, W. Zurek
Critical dynamics of decoherence
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83,062104 (2011).

[26] C. Chien, B. Damski
Dynamics of a quantum quench in an ultracold atomic BCS superfluid
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82,063616 (2010).
[27] B. Damski, W. Zurek
Soliton creation during a bose-einstein condensation
Physical Review Letters 104,160404 (2010).

[28] B. Damski, W. Zurek
Quantum phase transition in space in a ferromagnetic spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate
New Journal of Physics 11,063014 (2009).

[29] B. Damski, W. Zurek
How to fix a broken symmetry: Quantum dynamics of symmetry restoration in a ferromagnetic Bose-Einstein condensate
New Journal of Physics 10,045023 (2008).
[30] J. Larson, B. Damski, G. Morigi, M. Lewenstein
Mott-insulator states of ultracold atoms in optical resonators
Physical Review Letters 100,050401 (2008).

[31] B. Damski, W. Zurek
Dynamics of a quantum phase transition in a ferromagnetic Bose-Einstein condensate
Physical Review Letters 99,130402 (2007).
[32] F. Cucchietti, B. Damski, J. Dziarmaga, W. Zurek
Dynamics of the Bose-Hubbard model: Transition from a Mott insulator to a superfluid
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75,023603 (2007).
[33] M. Lewenstein, A. Sanpera, V. Ahufinger, B. Damski, A. Sen, U. Sen
Ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices: Mimicking condensed matter physics and beyond
Advances in Physics 56,243-379 (2007).

[34] B. Damski, J. Zakrzewski
Mott-insulator phase of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model: A high-order perturbative study
Phys. Rev. A 74,043609 (2006).
[35] B. Damski, W. Zurek
Adiabatic-impulse approximation for avoided level crossings: From phase-transition dynamics to Landau-Zener evolutions and back again
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73,063405 (2006).
[36] B. Damski
Shock waves in a one-dimensional Bose gas: From a Bose-Einstein condensate to a Tonks gas
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73,043601 (2006).

[37] B. Damski
The Simplest Quantum Model Supporting the Kibble-Zurek Mechanism of Topological Defect Production: Landau-Zener Transitions from a New Perspective
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95,035701 (2005).
[38] B. Damski, H. Fehrmann, H. Everts, M. Baranov, L. Santos, M. Lewenstein
Quantum gases in trimerized kagomé lattices
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72,053612 (2005).
[39] B. Damski, H. Everts, A. Honecker, H. Fehrmann, L. Santos, M. Lewenstein
Atomic Fermi gas in the trimerized kagomé lattice at 2/3 filling
Physical Review Letters 95,060403 (2005).

[40] B. Damski
Formation of shock waves in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 69,043610 (2004).
[41] H. Fehrmann, M. Baranov, B. Damski, M. Lewenstein, L. Santos
Mean-field theory of Bose-Fermi mixtures in optical lattices
Optics Communications 243,23-31 (2004).
[42] B. Damski
Shock waves in ultracold Fermi (Tonks) gases
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 37, (2004).

[43] B. Damski, L. Santos, E. Tiemann, M. Lewenstein, S. Kotochigova, P. Julienne, P. Zoller
Creation of a dipolar superfluid in optical lattices
Physical Review Letters 90,110401 (2003).
[44] B. Damski, J. Zakrzewski, L. Santos, P. Zoller, M. Lewenstein
Atomic Bose and Anderson Glasses in Optical Lattices
Physical Review Letters 91, (2003).
[45] B. Damski, K. Sacha
Changes of the topological charge of vortices
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36,2339-2345 (2003).

[46] B. Damski, K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski
Stirring a Bose-Einstein condensate
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 35,4051-4057 (2002).
[47] B. Damski, K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski
Collective excitation of trapped degenerate Fermi gases
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 35, (2002).

[48] B. Damski
Supersymmetry and bogomol'nyi equations in the maxwell chern-simons systems
Acta Physica Polonica B 31,637-646 (2000).