2024 |
[1] | A. Kopaei, K. Eswaran, A. Kosior, D. Hodgson, A. Matsko, H. Taheri, A. Beige, K. SachaTowards Timetronics with Photonic Systems ArXiv e-prints, 2409.07885 (2024).
2023 |
[2] | A. Kosior, S. Kokkelmans, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski, M. PłodzieńPhonon-assisted coherent transport of excitations in Rydberg-dressed atom arrays Physical Review A 108,043308 (2023). [arxiv] |
2021 |
[3] | A. Syrwid, A. Kosior, K. SachaCan a bright soliton model reveal a genuine time crystal for a finite number of bosons? EPL 134,66001 (2021). [arxiv] |
[4] | K. Giergiel, A. Kuroś, A. Kosior, K. SachaInseparable Time-Crystal Geometries on the Möbius Strip Physical Review Letters 127,263003 (2021). [arxiv] |
2020 |
[5] | A. Syrwid, A. Kosior, K. SachaComment on ``Quantum Time Crystals and Interacting Gauge Theories in Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates'' Phys. Rev. Lett. 124,178901 (2020). [arxiv] |
[6] | A. Syrwid, A. Kosior, K. SachaLack of a genuine time crystal in a chiral soliton model Physical Review Research 2,032038 (2020). [arxiv] |
2019 |
[7] | T. Szołdra, K. Sacha, A. KosiorDetermination of Chern numbers with a phase-retrieval algorithm Phys. Rev. A 99,043611 (2019). [arxiv] |
2018 |
[8] | A. Kosior, K. SachaDynamical quantum phase transitions in discrete time crystals Phys. Rev. A 97,053621 (2018). [arxiv] |
[9] | K. Giergiel, A. Kosior, P. Hannaford, K. SachaTime crystals: Analysis of experimental conditions Phys. Rev. A 98,013613 (2018). [arxiv] |
[10] | A. Kosior, A. Syrwid, K. SachaDynamical quantum phase transitions in systems with broken continuous time and space translation symmetries Phys. Rev. A 98,023612 (2018). [arxiv] |
2017 |
[11] | A. Kosior, K. SachaLocalization in random fractal lattices Phys. Rev. B 95,104206 (2017). [arxiv] |
2015 |
[12] | A. Kosior, J. Major, M. Płodzień, J. ZakrzewskiControlling disorded with periodically modulated interactions Phys. Rev. A 92,023606 (2015). [arxiv] |
[13] | A. Kosior, J. Major, M. Płodzień, J. ZakrzewskiRole of correlations and off-diagonal terms in binary disordered one dimensional systems Acta Phys. Polon. A ,1002 (2015). [arxiv] |
[14] | A. Kosior, K. SachaErratum: Simulation of non-Abelian lattice gauge fields with a single-component gas (EPL (2015) 112 (39901)) EPL 112,39901 (2015). [arxiv] |
2014 |
[15] | A. Kosior, K. SachaCondensate Phase Microscopy Phys. Rev. Lett. ,045302 (2014). [arxiv] |
[16] | A. Kosior, K. SachaSimulation of non-Abelian lattice gauge theories with a single component gas EPL (Europhysics Letters) 107,26006 (2014).
2013 |
[17] | A. Kosior, K. SachaSimulation of frustrated classical XY models with ultracold atoms in three-dimensional triangular optical lattices Phys. Rev. A 87,023602 (2013). [arxiv] |