Roman Marcinek | |
Starszy wykładowca z dr Quantum Simulations Group Room: B-1-34 Phone: 4554 www: [link] ORCID: 0000-0002-4057-1495 |
[1] | R. Marcinek, E. Pollak, J. ZakrzewskiYang-Mills classical mechanics revisited Physics Letters B 327,67-69 (1994). |
[2] | J. Bieroń, R. Marcinek, J. MigdałekRelativistic oscillator strengths for the np 2 — np(n+1)s transitions J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 31, (1991). |
[3] | J. Zakrzewski, R. MarcinekAdiabatic mechanism of wave-function localization in the globally chaotic system Physical Review A 42,7172-7182 (1990). |