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16-17.07.2025 - Time Crystals Conference 2025

More details on conference website.

20-22.02.2024 - Workshop on Quantum Simulators of the Future: From Dynamical Gauge Fields to Lattice Gauge Theories | (smr 3922)

An ICTP Meeting This Workshop will gather world-leading groups that design, realize, and characterize a new generation of simulators with ultracold atoms and beyond. It will address novel quantum simulators of statistical gauge fields, dynamical lattices, and lattice gauge theory models (LGT), as well as connections to quantum computing and tensor network methods.

06-08.09.2023 - Time Crystals Conference

27.06-2.07.2022 - 6th Workshop on Algebraic Designs, Hadamard Matrices & Quanta

More details on conference website.

05-11.09.2021 - Quantum Optics X

More details on conference website.

Jakub Zakrzewski

Quantum Simulations Group
Room: B-1-44
Phone: 4555
www: [link]
ORCID: 0000-0003-0998-9460


[1] A. Mallick, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski, M. Płodzień
String breaking dynamics in Ising chain with local vibrations
ArXiv e-prints, 2501.00604 (2024).
[2] S. Bhattacharjee, P. Sierant, M. Dudyński, J. Wehr, J. Zakrzewski, M. Lewenstein
Anderson localization induced by structural disorder
ArXiv e-prints, 2411.10247 (2024).
[3] P. Falcão, P. Tarabunga, M. Frau, E. Tirrito, J. Zakrzewski, M. Dalmonte
Non-stabilizerness in U(1) lattice gauge theory
ArXiv e-prints, 2409.01789 (2024).
[4] P. Falcão, A. Aramthottil, P. Sierant, J. Zakrzewski
Many-body localization crossover is sharper in quasiperiodic spin chains
ArXiv e-prints, 2408.02590 (2024).
[5] H. Korbmacher, G. Domínguez-Castro, M. Łącki, J. Zakrzewski, L. Santos
Topological floating phase of dipolar bosons in an optical ladder
ArXiv e-prints, 2407.15710 (2024).
[6] T. Chanda, L. Barbiero, M. Lewenstein, M. Mark, J. Zakrzewski
Recent progress on quantum simulations of non-standard Bose-Hubbard models
ArXiv e-prints, 2405.07775 (2024).
[7] T. Chanda, M. Dalmonte, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski, L. Tagliacozzo
Spectral properties of the critical (1+1)-dimensional Abelian-Higgs model
Physical Review B 109,045103 (2024).
[8] M. Łącki, H. Korbmacher, G. Domínguez-Castro, J. Zakrzewski, L. Santos
Ground states of one-dimensional dipolar lattice bosons at unit filling
Physical Review B 109,125104 (2024).
[9] T. Szołdra, P. Sierant, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski
Catching thermal avalanches in the disordered XXZ model
Physical Review B 109,134202 (2024).
[10] K. Pawlik, P. Sierant, L. Vidmar, J. Zakrzewski
Many-body mobility edge in quantum sun models
Physical Review B 109,L180201 (2024).
[11] A. Mallick, J. Zakrzewski
Anomalous localization in spin chains with tilted interactions
Physical Review B 109,214206 (2024).
[12] B. De, G. Wójtowicz, M. Rams, M. Zwolak, J. Zakrzewski
Confluence of fractured resonances at points of dynamical many-body flare
Physical Review B 110,155146 (2024).
[13] M. Rakov, L. Tagliacozzo, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski, T. Chanda
Gapless deconfined phase in a ZN -symmetric Hamiltonian created in a cold-atom setup
Physical Review B 110,195114 (2024).
[14] A. Aramthottil, P. Sierant, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski
Phenomenology of Many-Body Localization in Bond-Disordered Spin Chains
Physical Review Letters 133,196302 (2024).
[15] P. Falcão, A. Aramthottil, P. Sierant, J. Zakrzewski
Many-body localization crossover is sharper in a quasiperiodic potential
Physical Review B 110,184209 (2024).

[16] R. Yamada, E. Piñol, S. Grandi, J. Zakrzewski, M. Lewenstein
Towards the Intuitive Understanding of Quantum World: Sonification of Rabi Oscillations, Wigner functions, and Quantum Simulators
ArXiv e-prints, 2311.13313 (2023).
[17] K. Pawlik, P. Sierant, L. Vidmar, J. Zakrzewski
Many-Body Mobility Edge in Quantum Sun models
ArXiv e-prints, 2308.01073 (2023).
[18] T. Szołdra, P. Sierant, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski
Tracking locality in the time evolution of disordered systems
Physical Review B 107,054204 (2023).
[19] P. Sierant, M. Lewenstein, A. Scardicchio, J. Zakrzewski
Stability of many-body localization in Floquet systems
Physical Review B 107,115132 (2023).
[20] J. Janarek, J. Zakrzewski, D. Delande
Many-body quantum boomerang effect
Physical Review B 107,094204 (2023).
[21] A. Aramthottil, M. Łącki, L. Santos, J. Zakrzewski
Role of interaction-induced tunneling in the dynamics of polar lattice bosons
Physical Review B 107,104305 (2023).
[22] P. Sierant, T. Chanda, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski
Slow dynamics of a mobile impurity interacting with an Anderson insulator
Physical Review B 107,144201 (2023).
[23] J. Zakrzewski
Quantum Chaos and Level Dynamics
Entropy 25,491 (2023).
[24] H. Jiang, M. Mandrysz, A. Sanchez, J. Dura, T. Steinle, J. Prauzner-Bechcicki, J. Zakrzewski, M. Lewenstein, F. He et al.
Pulse length effects in long wavelength driven non-sequential double ionization
New Journal of Physics 25,033002 (2023).
[25] H. Korbmacher, P. Sierant, W. Li, X. Deng, J. Zakrzewski, L. Santos
Lattice control of nonergodicity in a polar lattice gas
Physical Review A 107,013301 (2023).
[26] B. De, G. Wójtowicz, J. Zakrzewski, M. Zwolak, M. Rams
Transport in a periodically driven tilted lattice via the extended reservoir approach: Stability criterion for recovering the continuum limit
Physical Review B 107,235148 (2023).
[27] H. Korbmacher, G. Domínguez-Castro, W. Li, J. Zakrzewski, L. Santos
Transversal effects on the ground state of hard-core dipolar bosons in one-dimensional optical lattices
Physical Review A 107,063307 (2023).
[28] J. Zakrzewski
Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions from Quantum Optics Perspective
Acta Physica Polonica A 143,S179-S182 (2023).
[29] T. Szołdra, M. Ciappina, N. Werby, P. Bucksbaum, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski, A. Maxwell
Femtosecond pulse parameter estimation from photoelectron momenta using machine learning
New Journal of Physics 25,083039 (2023).
[30] D. Efimov, A. Maksymov, J. Zakrzewski, J. Prauzner-Bechcicki
Strong-field double ionization in a three-electron atom: Momentum-distribution analysis
Physical Review A 108,033103 (2023).
[31] A. Kosior, S. Kokkelmans, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski, M. Płodzień
Phonon-assisted coherent transport of excitations in Rydberg-dressed atom arrays
Physical Review A 108,043308 (2023).
[32] P. Falcão, J. Zakrzewski
Nonergodic dynamics for an impurity interacting with bosons in a tilted lattice
Physical Review B 108,134201 (2023).
[33] M. Łącki, J. Zakrzewski
Random Kronig-Penney-type potentials for ultracold atoms using dark states
Physical Review A 108,053326 (2023).

[34] B. De, P. Sierant, J. Zakrzewski
On intermediate statistics across many-body localization transition
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55,014001 (2022).
[35] T. Chanda, J. Zakrzewski
Many-body localization regime for cavity-induced long-range interacting models
Physical Review B 105,A9 (2022).
[36] T. Chanda, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski, L. Tagliacozzo
Phase Diagram of 1+1 D Abelian-Higgs Model and Its Critical Point
Physical Review Letters 128,090601 (2022).
[37] M. Aidelsburger, L. Barbiero, A. Bermudez, T. Chanda, A. Dauphin, D. González-Cuadra, P. Grzybowski, S. Hands, F. Jendrzejewski et al.
Cold atoms meet lattice gauge theory
Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences 380,20210064 (2022).
[38] T. Chanda, D. Gonzalez-Cuadra, M. Lewenstein, L. Tagliacozzo, J. Zakrzewski
Devil's staircase of topological Peierls insulators and Peierls supersolids
SciPost Physics 12,1-22 (2022).
[39] R. Kraus, T. Chanda, J. Zakrzewski, G. Morigi
Quantum phases of dipolar bosons in one-dimensional optical lattices
Physical Review B 106,035144 (2022).
[40] A. Aramthottil, U. Bhattacharya, D. González-Cuadra, M. Lewenstein, L. Barbiero, J. Zakrzewski
Scar states in deconfined Z2 lattice gauge theories
Physical Review B 106,L041101 (2022).
[41] T. Szołdra, P. Sierant, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski
Unsupervised detection of decoupled subspaces: Many-body scars and beyond
Physical Review B 105,224205 (2022).
[42] P. Sierant, J. Zakrzewski
Challenges to observation of many-body localization
Physical Review B 105,224203 (2022).
[43] J. Janarek, B. Grémaud, J. Zakrzewski, D. Delande
Quantum boomerang effect in systems without time-reversal symmetry
Physical Review B 105,L180202 (2022).
[44] T. Chanda, R. Kraus, J. Zakrzewski, G. Morigi
Bond order via cavity-mediated interactions
Physical Review B 106,075137 (2022).
[45] J. Zakrzewski
Kicked rotors back in action
Nature Physics 26, (2022).

[46] A. WoÅ°niak, M. Lesiuk, M. Przybytek, D. Efimov, J. Prauzner-Bechcicki, M. Mandrysz, M. Ciappina, E. Pisanty, J. Zakrzewski et al.
A systematic construction of Gaussian basis sets for the description of laser field ionization and high-harmonic generation
Journal of Chemical Physics 154,0040879 (2021).
[47] P. Kubala, P. Sierant, G. Morigi, J. Zakrzewski
Ergodicity breaking with long-range cavity-induced quasiperiodic interactions
Physical Review B 103,174208 (2021).
[48] M. Łącki, J. Zakrzewski, N. Goldman
A dark state of Chern bands: Designing flat bands with higher Chern number
SciPost Physics 10,112 (2021).
[49] R. Yao, T. Chanda, J. Zakrzewski
Nonergodic dynamics in disorder-free potentials
Annals of Physics ,168540 (2021).
[50] J. Prauzner-Bechcicki, D. Efimov, M. Mandrysz, J. Zakrzewski
Strong-field triple ionisation of atoms with p 3valence shell
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 54,114001 (2021).
[51] R. Yao, T. Chanda, J. Zakrzewski
Many-body localization in tilted and harmonic potentials
Physical Review B 104,014201 (2021).
[52] T. Chanda, R. Kraus, G. Morigi, J. Zakrzewski
Self-organized topological insulator due to cavity-mediated correlated tunneling
Quantum 5, (2021).
[53] D. Efimov, A. Maksymov, M. Ciappina, J. Prauzner-Bechcicki, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski
Three-electron correlations in strong laser field ionization
Optics Express 29,26526-26537 (2021).
[54] P. Sierant, E. Lazo, M. Dalmonte, A. Scardicchio, J. Zakrzewski
Constraint-Induced Delocalization
Physical Review Letters 127,126603 (2021).
[55] T. Szołdra, P. Sierant, K. Kottmann, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski
Detecting ergodic bubbles at the crossover to many-body localization using neural networks
Physical Review B 104,A3 (2021).
[56] P. Kubala, J. Zakrzewski, M. Łącki
Optical lattice for a tripodlike atomic level structure
Physical Review A 104,053312 (2021).
[57] A. Aramthottil, T. Chanda, P. Sierant, J. Zakrzewski
Finite-size scaling analysis of the many-body localization transition in quasiperiodic spin chains
Physical Review B 104,A4 (2021).
[58] J. Prauzner-Bechcicki, M. Mandrysz, D. Efimov, M. Ciappina, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski
Triple-Ionization in Strong-Laser Fields
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers ,FM1A.2 (2021).

[59] T. Chanda, J. Zakrzewski, M. Lewenstein, L. Tagliacozzo
Confinement and Lack of Thermalization after Quenches in the Bosonic Schwinger Model
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124,180602 (2020).
[60] P. Sierant, D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski
Thouless Time Analysis of Anderson and Many-Body Localization Transitions
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124,186601 (2020).
[61] P. Sierant, J. Zakrzewski
Model of level statistics for disordered interacting quantum many-body systems
Phys. Rev. B 101,104201 (2020).
[62] T. Chanda, P. Sierant, J. Zakrzewski
Time dynamics with matrix product states: Many-body localization transition of large systems revisited
Phys. Rev. B 101,035148 (2020).
[63] K. Suthar, P. Sierant, J. Zakrzewski
Many-body localization with synthetic gauge fields in disordered Hubbard chains
Phys. Rev. B 101,134203 (2020).
[64] R. Kraus, K. Biedroń, J. Zakrzewski, G. Morigi
Superfluid phases induced by dipolar interactions
Phys. Rev. B 101,174505 (2020).
[65] M. Bañuls, R. Blatt, J. Catani, A. Celi, J. Cirac, M. Dalmonte, L. Fallani, K. Jansen, M. Lewenstein et al.
Simulating lattice gauge theories within quantum technologies
European Physical Journal D 74,165 (2020).
[66] R. Yao, J. Zakrzewski
Many-body localization in the Bose-Hubbard model: Evidence for mobility edge
Physical Review B 102,014310 (2020).
[67] J. Janarek, D. Delande, N. Cherroret, J. Zakrzewski
Quantum boomerang effect for interacting particles
Physical Review A 102,013303 (2020).
[68] D. Efimov, J. Prauzner-Bechcicki, J. Zakrzewski, J. Zakrzewski
Strong-field ionization of atoms with p3 valence shell: Two versus three active electrons
Physical Review A 101,063402 (2020).
[69] A. Maksymov, P. Sierant, J. Zakrzewski
Many-body localization in a one-dimensional optical lattice with speckle disorder
Physical Review B 102,10.1103/PhysRevB.102.134205 (2020).
[70] K. Suthar, R. Kraus, H. Sable, D. Angom, G. Morigi, J. Zakrzewski
Staggered superfluid phases of dipolar bosons in two-dimensional square lattices
Physical Review B 102,214503 (2020).
[71] P. Sierant, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski
Polynomially Filtered Exact Diagonalization Approach to Many-Body Localization
Physical Review Letters 125,156601 (2020).
[72] R. Yao, J. Zakrzewski
Many-body localization of bosons in an optical lattice: Dynamics in disorder-free potentials
Physical Review B 102,104203 (2020).
[73] T. Chanda, P. Sierant, J. Zakrzewski
Many-body localization transition in large quantum spin chains: The mobility edge
Physical Review Research 2,032045 (2020).
[74] T. Chanda, R. Yao, J. Zakrzewski
Coexistence of localized and extended phases: Many-body localization in a harmonic trap
Physical Review Research 2,032039 (2020).

[75] P. Sierant, J. Zakrzewski
Level statistics across the many-body localization transition
Phys. Rev. B 99,104205 (2019).
[76] K. Zegadlo, H. Nguyen, V. Konotop, J. Zakrzewski, M. Trippenbach
Route to chaos in a coupled microresonator system with gain and loss
Nonlinear Dynamics 97,559-569 (2019).
[77] P. Sierant, A. Maksymov, M. Kuś, J. Zakrzewski
Fidelity susceptibility in Gaussian random ensembles
Phys. Rev. E 99,050102 (2019).
[78] A. Maksymov, P. Sierant, J. Zakrzewski
Energy level dynamics across the many-body localization transition
Phys. Rev. B 99,224202 (2019).
[79] D. Efimov, J. Prauzner-Bechcicki, J. Thiede, B. Eckhardt, J. Zakrzewski
Double ionization of a three-electron atom: Spin correlation effects
Phys. Rev. A 100,063408 (2019).
[80] M. Mandrysz, M. Kübel, J. Zakrzewski, J. Prauzner-Bechcicki
Rescattering effects in streaking experiments of strong-field ionization
Phys. Rev. A 100,063410 (2019).

[81] M. Rams, P. Sierant, O. Dutta, P. Horodecki, J. Zakrzewski
At the Limits of Criticality-Based Quantum Metrology: Apparent Super-Heisenberg Scaling Revisited
Phys. Rev. X 8,021022 (2018).
[82] J. Janarek, D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski
Discrete disorder models for many-body localization
Phys. Rev. B 97,155133 (2018).
[83] K. Biedroń, M. Łącki, J. Zakrzewski
Extended Bose-Hubbard model with dipolar and contact interactions
Phys. Rev. B 97,245102 (2018).
[84] J. Zakrzewski, D. Delande
Spin-charge separation and many-body localization
Phys. Rev. B 98,014203 (2018).
[85] D. Efimov, A. Maksymov, J. Prauzner-Bechcicki, J. Thiede, B. Eckhardt, A. Chacón, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski
Restricted-space ab initio models for double ionization by strong laser pulses
Phys. Rev. A 98,013405 (2018).
[86] J. Thiede, B. Eckhardt, D. Efimov, J. Prauzner-Bechcicki, J. Zakrzewski
Ab initio study of time-dependent dynamics in strong-field triple ionization
Phys. Rev. A 98,031401 (2018).
[87] D. Wiater, J. Zakrzewski
Impact of geometry on many-body localization
Phys. Rev. B 98,094202 (2018).
[88] J. Major, G. Morigi, J. Zakrzewski
Single-particle localization in dynamical potentials
Phys. Rev. A 98,053633 (2018).

[89] J. Major, M. Płodzień, O. Dutta, J. Zakrzewski
Synthetic random flux model in a periodically driven optical lattice
Phys. Rev. A 96,033620 (2017).
[90] O. Dutta, L. Tagliacozzo, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski
Toolbox for Abelian lattice gauge theories with synthetic matter
Phys. Rev. A 95,053608 (2017).
[91] P. Sierant, D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski
Many-body localization due to random interactions
Phys. Rev. A 95,021601 (2017).
[92] T. Durić, K. Biedroń, J. Zakrzewski
Fibonacci anyon excitations of one-dimensional dipolar lattice bosons
Phys. Rev. B 95,085102 (2017).
[93] D. Wiater, T. Sowiński, J. Zakrzewski
Two bosonic quantum walkers in one-dimensional optical lattices
Phys. Rev. A 96,043629 (2017).
[94] P. Sierant, D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski
Many-body localization for randomly interacting bosons
Acta Phys. Polon. A 132,1707 (2017).
[95] A. Syrwid, J. Zakrzewski, K. Sacha
Time Crystal Behavior of Excited Eigenstates
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119,250602 (2017).

[96] D. Suszalski, J. Zakrzewski
Different lattice geometries with a synthetic dimension
Phys. Rev. A 94,033602 (2016).
[97] K. Biedroń, O. Dutta, J. Zakrzewski
Topological Rice-Mele model in an emergent lattice: Exact diagonalization approach
Phys. Rev. A 93,033631 (2016).

[98] O. Dutta, A. Przysiezna, J. Zakrzewski
Spontaneous magnetization and anomalous Hall effect in an emergent Dice lattice
Sci. Rep. 5,11060 (2015).
[99] O. Dutta, A. Przysiezna, J. Zakrzewski
Rice-Mele model with topological solitons in an optical lattice
New J. Phys. 17,013018 (2015).
[100] A. Kosior, J. Major, M. Płodzień, J. Zakrzewski
Controlling disorded with periodically modulated interactions
Phys. Rev. A 92,023606 (2015).
[101] M. Łącki, D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski
Dynamics of heat and mass transport in a quantum insulator
Phys. Rev. B 91,134304 (2015).
[102] A. Kosior, J. Major, M. Płodzień, J. Zakrzewski
Role of correlations and off-diagonal terms in binary disordered one dimensional systems
Acta Phys. Polon. A ,1002 (2015).

[103] O. Dutta, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski
Many body population trapping in ultracold dipolar gases
New J. Phys. 16,052002 (2014).
[104] M. Łącki, B. Damski, J. Zakrzewski
Numerical studies of ground-state fidelity of the Bose-Hubbard model
Phys. Rev. A 89,033625 (2014).
[105] J. Major, M. Łącki, J. Zakrzewski
Reexamination of the variational Bose-Hubbard model
Phys. Rev. A 89,043626 (2014).
[106] W. Ganczarek, M. Modugno, G. Pettini, J. Zakrzewski
Wannier functions for one-dimensional s-p optical superlattices
Phys. Rev. A 90,033621 (2014).
[107] J. Stasińska, M. Łącki, O. Dutta, J. Zakrzewski, M. Lewenstein
Bose-Hubbard model with random impurities: Multiband and nonlinear hopping effects
Phys. Rev. A 90,063634 (2014).

[108] M. Łącki, D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski
Dynamics of cold bosons in optical lattices: effects of higher Bloch bands
New Journal of Physics 15,013062 (2013).
[109] M. Łącki, J. Zakrzewski
Fast Dynamics for Atoms in Optical Lattices
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110,065301 (2013).
[110] D. Delande, K. Sacha, M. Płodzień, S. Avazbaev, J. Zakrzewski
Many-body Anderson localization in one-dimensional systems
New Journal of Physics 15,045021 (2013).
[111] M. Maik, P. Hauke, O. Dutta, J. Zakrzewski, M. Lewenstein
Density dependent tunneling in the extended Bose-Hubbard model
New Journal of Physics 15,113041 (2013).
[112] T. Sowiński, M. Łącki, O. Dutta, J. Pietraszewicz, P. Sierant, M. Gajda, J. Zakrzewski, M. Lewenstein
Tunneling-Induced Restoration of the Degeneracy and the Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Optical Lattices
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111,215302 (2013).

[113] M. Łącki, D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski
Numerical computation of dynamically important excited states of many-body systems
Phys. Rev. A 86,013602 (2012).
[114] J. Pietraszewicz, T. Sowiński, M. Brewczyk, J. Zakrzewski, M. Lewenstein, M. Gajda
Two-component Bose-Hubbard model with higher-angular-momentum states
Phys. Rev. A 85,053638 (2012).
[115] K. Sacha, K. Targońska, J. Zakrzewski
Frustration and time-reversal symmetry breaking for Fermi and Bose-Fermi systems
Phys. Rev. A 85,053613 (2012).
[116] J. Zakrzewski
Crystals of Time
Physics 5,116 (2012).

[117] T. Świsłocki, T. Sowiński, J. Pietraszewicz, M. Brewczyk, M. Lewenstein, J. Zakrzewski, M. Gajda
Tunable dipolar resonances and Einstein-de Haas effect in a Rb-87 atom condensate
Phys. Rev. A 83,063617 (2011).
[118] M. Łącki, D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski
Extracting information from non adiabatic dynamics: excited symmetric states of the Bose-Hubbard model
Acta Physica Polonica A , (2011).
[119] M. Łącki, S. Paganelli, V. Ahufinger, A. Sanpera, J. Zakrzewski
Disordered spinor Bose-Hubbard model
Phys. Rev. A 83,013605 (2011).
[120] M. Maik, P. Buonsante, A. Vezzani, J. Zakrzewski
Dipolar bosons on an optical lattice ring
Phys. Rev. A 84,053615 (2011).
[121] S. Paganelli, M. Łącki, V. Ahufinger, J. Zakrzewski, A. Sanpera
Spin effects in Bose-Glass phases
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 165,227--238 (2011).

[122] D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski
Compression as a Tool to Detect Bose Glass in a Cold Atomic Gas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102,085301 (2009).
[123] K. Sacha, D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski
Quantum Bright Soliton in a Disorder Potential
Acta Physica Polonica A 116,772--778 (2009).
[124] K. Sacha, C. Müller, D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski
Anderson Localization of Solitons
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103,210402 (2009).
[125] J. Zakrzewski, D. Delande
Breakdown of adiabaticity when loading ultracold atoms in optical lattices
Phys. Rev. A 80,013602 (2009).

[126] B. Eckhardt, J. Prauzner-Bechcicki, K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski
Suppression of correlated electron escape in double ionization in strong laser fields
Phys. Rev. A 77,015402 (2008).
[127] J. Prauzner-Bechcicki, K. Sacha, B. Eckhardt, J. Zakrzewski
Quantum model for double ionization of atoms in strong laser fields
Phys. Rev. A 78,013419 (2008).
[128] B. Eckhardt, J. Prauzner-Bechcicki, K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski
Momentum distributions after double ionization
Chaos 18,041110 (2008).
[129] J. Zakrzewski, D. Delande
Accurate determination of the superfluid-insulator transition in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model
AIP Conference Proceedings 1076,292-300 (2008).

[130] J. Prauzner-Bechcicki, K. Sacha, B. Eckhardt, J. Zakrzewski
Time-Resolved Quantum Dynamics of Double Ionization in Strong Laser Fields
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98,203002 (2007).
[131] J. Zakrzewski
Tight Binding Models in Cold Atoms Physics
Acta Physica Polonica B 38,1673 (2007).
[132] T. Schulte, S. Drenkelforth, J. Kruse, K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski, M. Lewenstein, J. Arlt, W. Ertmer
Analysis of localization phenomena in weakly interacting disordered lattice gases
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6483,648308 (2007).
[133] J. Prauzner-Bechcicki, K. Sacha, B. Eckhardt, J. Zakrzewski
Nonsequential double ionization of atoms in strong laser pulses
Acta Physica Polonica A 112,699-706 (2007).

[134] B. Damski, J. Zakrzewski
Mott-insulator phase of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model: A high-order perturbative study
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[135] J. Prauzner-Bechcicki, K. Sacha, B. Eckhardt, J. Zakrzewski
Nonsequential double ionization of molecules
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[136] T. Schulte, S. Drenkelforth, J. Kruse, W. Ertmer, J. Arlt, K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski, M. Lewenstein
Routes Towards Anderson-Like Localization of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Disordered Optical Lattices
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Mean-field dynamics of the superfluid-insulator phase transition in a gas of ultracold atoms
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Fermi-Dirac statistics and the number theory
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[139] A. Sanpera, A. Kantian, L. Sanchez-Palencia, J. Zakrzewski, M. Lewenstein
Atomic Fermi-Bose mixtures in inhomogeneous and random lattices: From Fermi glass to quantum spin glass and quantum percolation
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[140] B. Damski, J. Zakrzewski, L. Santos, P. Zoller, M. Lewenstein
Atomic Bose and Anderson Glasses in Optical Lattices
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[141] D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski
Experimentally attainable example of chaotic tunneling: The hydrogen atom in parallel static electric and magnetic fields
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 68,14 (2003).

[142] Z. Karkuszewski, J. Zakrzewski, W. Zurek
Breakdown of correspondence in chaotic systems: Ehrenfest versus localization times
Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 65,042113 (2002).
[143] B. Damski, K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski
Stirring a Bose-Einstein condensate
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 35,4051-4057 (2002).
[144] B. Damski, K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski
Collective excitation of trapped degenerate Fermi gases
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 35, (2002).
[145] D. Delande, K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski
Manipulating the shape of electronic non-dispersive wave-packets in the hydrogen atom: Numerical tests in realistic experimental conditions
Acta Physica Polonica B 33,2097-2121 (2002).
[146] A. Buchleitner, D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski
Non-dispersive wave packets in periodically driven quantum systems
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[147] P. Pakoński, J. Zakrzewski
Kepler map for H atom driven by microwaves with arbitrary polarization
Acta Physica Polonica B 32,2801-2812 (2001).
[148] K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski
Driven Rydberg atoms reveal quartic level repulsion
Physical Review Letters 86,2269-2272 (2001).
[149] Z. Karkuszewski, K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski
Method for collective excitation of a Bose-Einstein condensate
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 63,4 (2001).

[150] K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski, D. Delande
Breaking Time Reversal Symmetry in Chaotic Driven Rydberg Atoms
Annals of Physics 283,141-172 (2000).
[151] K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski, D. Delande
Erratum: Chaotic Rydberg Atoms with Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry(Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 2922 (1999))
Physical Review Letters 84,200 (2000).

[152] P. Šeba, K. Zyczkowski, J. Zakrzewski
On the 'nonuniversal' conductance of an almost ideal quantum wire
Acta Physica Polonica B 30,2797-2810 (1999).
[153] K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski
Resonant dynamics of the H atom in an elliptically polarized microwave field
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 59,1707-1710 (1999).
[154] K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski, D. Delande
Chaotic rydberg atoms with broken time-reversal symmetry
Physical Review Letters 83,2922-2925 (1999).
[155] A. Buchleitner, K. Sacha, D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski
Quasiclassical dynamics of resonantly driven Rydberg states
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[156] A. Buchleitner, I. Guarneri, J. Zakrzewski
Conductance fluctuations in microwave-driven Rydberg atoms
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[157] K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski
H-atom ionization by elliptically polarized microwave fields: Three-dimensional analysis
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 58,488-497 (1998).
[158] D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski
Spontaneous emission of nondispersive Rydberg wave packets
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 58,466-477 (1998).
[159] K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski
H atom in elliptically polarized microwaves: Semiclassical versus quantum resonant dynamics
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 58,3974-3982 (1998).
[160] K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski, D. Delande
Controlling nonspreading wavepackets
European Physical Journal D 1,231-234 (1998).
[161] J. Zakrzewski, D. Delande, A. Buchleitner
Chaos assisted tunneling and nonspreading wave packets
Acta Physica Polonica A 93,179-186 (1998).
[162] J. Zakrzewski, D. Delande, A. Buchleitner
Ionization via chaos assisted tunneling
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics 57,1458-1474 (1998).
[163] R. Gȩbarowski, P. Šeba, K. Zyczkowski, J. Zakrzewski
Quantum scattering in the strip: From ballistic to localized regimes
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[164] J. Zakrzewski, D. Delande
How to build experimentally a non-spreading wavepacket
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 30, (1997).
[165] R. Gȩbarowski, J. Zakrzewski
Power-law decay in the ionization of H rydberg atoms
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[166] K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski
H-atom ionization by elliptically polarized microwave fields: The overlap criterion
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 56,719-728 (1997).
[167] K. Sacha, J. Zakrzewski
Resonance overlap criterion for H atom ionization by circularly polarized microwave fields
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 55,568-576 (1997).
[168] D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski, A. Buchleitner
Comment on “new states of hydrogen in a circularly polarized electromagnetic field”
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[169] P. Kunstman, K. Z-dotyczkowski, J. Zakrzewski
Nonuniversality in level dynamics
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics 55,2446-2454 (1997).
[170] J. Zakrzewski, A. Buchleitner, D. Delande
Nondispersive wave packets as solitonic solutions of level dynamics
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[171] J. Zakrzewski, R. Gȩbarowski, D. Delande
Two-dimensional quantum hydrogen atom in circularly polarized microwaves: Global properties
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 54,691-709 (1996).
[172] P. Šeba, K. Życzkowski, J. Zakrzewski
Statistical properties of random scattering matrices
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics 54,2438-2446 (1996).

[173] J. Zakrzewski, D. Delandc
Stabilization in circularly polarized light: Floquet- adiabatic versus exact treatment
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[174] D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski, A. Buchleitner
A wave packet can be a stationary state
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Resonances in the diamagnetic rydberg spectrum: Order and chaos
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On 'Universal' correlations in disordered and chaotic systems
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Ionization of hydrogen atoms by circularly polarized microwaves
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Statistical properties of energy levels of chaotic systems: Wigner or non-Wigner?
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Nonspreading electronic wave packets and conductance fluctuations
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Classical aspects of quantum localization in microwave ionization of H atoms
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[181] I. Guarneri, K. Zyczkowski, J. Zakrzewski, L. Molinari, G. Casati
Parametric spectral correlations of disordered systems in the Fourier domain
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[182] A. Buchleitner, D. Delande, J. Zakrzewski, R. Mantegna, M. Arndt, H. Walther
Multiple time scales in the microwave ionization of Rydberg atoms
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[183] A. Karawajczyk, J. Zakrzewski
Lasers without inversion in a Doppler-broadened medium
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Yang-Mills classical mechanics revisited
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Semiclassical study of 'double-lambda' laser without inversion
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Ionization of H Rydberg atoms by microwaves: Pulse-shape influence on the algebraic decay
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Parametric motion of energy levels in quantum chaotic systems. I. Curvature distributions
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Ionization of highly excited hydrogen atoms by a circularly polarized microwave field
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A numerical method for locating stable periodic orbits in chaotic systems
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Theoretical explanation of the first experimentally observed laser without inversion in a two-level scheme
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Theory of dressed-state lasers in the bad-cavity limit
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Pulsed dressed-state lasers
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Dressed-atom model of lasing without inversion in the double-configuration
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Quantum scars on a sphere
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Theory of dressed-state lasers. II. Phase diffusion and squeezing
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Theory of dressed-state lasers. III. Pump-depletion effects
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Theory of dressed-state lasers. I. Effective Hamiltonians and stability properties
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Adiabatic mechanism of wave-function localization in the globally chaotic system
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Multiple ionisation by intense laser pulses in the independent-electron model: Application to xenon
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Stabilisation approach to the quasi-Landau spectrum of the magnetised hydrogen atom
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Non-exponential spontaneous decay in cavities and waveguides
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A Model for motion in the chaotic regime: Classical and quantum viewpoints
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Dynamic interpretation of atomic and molecular spectra in the chaotic regime
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Semiclassical quantization via adiabatic switching. II. Choice of tori and initial conditions for multidimensional systems
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Spontaneous emission of atoms coupled to frequency-dependent reservoirs
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Time evolution in a driven quantum system: Excitation through bands of states
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Spectra in the chaotic region: A quantum analysis of the photodissociation of H3+
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