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16-17.07.2025 - Time Crystals Conference 2025

More details on conference website.

20-22.02.2024 - Workshop on Quantum Simulators of the Future: From Dynamical Gauge Fields to Lattice Gauge Theories | (smr 3922)

An ICTP Meeting This Workshop will gather world-leading groups that design, realize, and characterize a new generation of simulators with ultracold atoms and beyond. It will address novel quantum simulators of statistical gauge fields, dynamical lattices, and lattice gauge theory models (LGT), as well as connections to quantum computing and tensor network methods.


06-08.09.2023 - Konferencja "Time Crystals"

27.06-2.07.2022 - 6th Workshop on Algebraic Designs, Hadamard Matrices & Quanta

Więcej szczegółów on conference website.

05-11.09.2021 - Quantum Optics X

Więcej szczegółów na stronie konferencji.

Open Data

Current: /2207.06186

Arxiv link

Inter-site interactions in polar lattice gases may result, due to Hilbert-space fragmentation, in a lack of ergodicity even in absence of disorder. We show that the inter-site interaction in a onedimensional dipolar gas in an optical lattice departs from the usually considered 1/r3 dependence, acquiring a universal form that depends on the transversal confinement and the lattice depth. Due to the crucial role played by the nearest- and next-to-nearest neighbors, the Hilbert-space fragmentation and particle dynamics are very similar to that of a power-law model 1/rβeff<3, where βeff is experimentally controllable by properly tailoring the transversal confinement. Our results are of direct experimental relevance for experiments on dipolar gases in optical lattices, and show that the particle dynamics may be remarkably different if the quasi-1D lattice model is realized in a strong 3D lattice, or by means of a strong transversal harmonic confinement.

The datasets described below were used to produce Fig.3(c) and Fig.3(d) in the linked arXiv paper.

Figure 3 (c) Homogenization of an initial density wave, color map for inhomogeneity parameter for power-law model. Jupyter notebook creating plots of Fig. 3(c) is fig3c.ipynb; it employs data stored in directory ./fig3c/

Figure 3 (d) Homogenization of an initial density wave, color map for inhomogeneity parameter for a polar gas. Jupyter notebook creating plots of Fig. 3(d) is fig3d.ipynb; it employs data stored in directory ./fig3d/

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