Open Data
In this directory we publish "open data" to research carried out at Atomic Optics Department. If the dataset connects to a publication then the number below refers to the Arxiv ID of the publication.
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2402.01362 Catching thermal avalanches in disordered XXZ model
2307.12447 Random Kronig-Penney-type potentials for ultracold atoms using dark states
2307.04471 Phonon-assisted coherent transport of excitations in Rydberg-dressed atom arrays
2306.06705 Nonergodic dynamics for an impurity interacting with bosons in tilted lattice
2304.14741 Intermediate superexponential localization with Aubry-André chains
2303.13940 Femtosecond pulse parameter estimation from photoelectron momenta using machine learning
2303.07217 Transversal effects on the ground-state of hard-core dipolar bosons in one-dimensional optical lattices
2303.04160 Transport in a periodically--driven tilted lattice via the extended reservoir approach: Stability criterion for recovering the continuum limit
2212.07107 Slow dynamics of a mobile impurity interacting with an Anderson insulator
2211.11480 Tracking locality in time evolution of disordered systems
2211.01870 Many-body quantum boomerang effect
2209.11644 Nonergodic dynamics of dipolar lattice bosons
2207.06186 Lattice control of non-ergodicity in a polar lattice gas
2203.15697 Stability of many-body localization in Kicked Ising model
2203.11019 Quantum boomerang effect in systems without time reversal symmetry
2201.10260 Scar States in Deconfined $\mathbb{Z}_2$ Lattice Gauge Theories
2201.07151 Unsupervised detection of decoupled subspaces: many-body scars and beyond
2201.05466 Bond order via cavity-mediated interactions
2112.09192 Many-body localization regime for cavity induced long-range interacting models
2109.13608 Challenges to observation of many-body localization
2109.08408 Finite-Size scaling analysis of many-body localization transition in quasi-periodic spin chains
2108.11654 On intermediate statistics across many-body localization transition
2107.11656 Phase diagram of 1+1D Abelian-Higgs model and its critical point
2106.04709 Optical lattice for tripod-like atomic level structure